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Here are some folks that help us make this possible.
The companies we work with says a lot about us. So as visitors or patrons know what

you do for your clients is well appresheated. 





May 25 

I just ate some of my muffin cake we got from you at Lennies market and that was the Best blueberry cake I have ever ever had. OMG it was so moist. I ate half and believe me the other half is still calling my name. Tell your wife she is the best cook. You two are amazing. We enjoyed talking to you and love to meeting her. Hope yall have a great weekend

Tara Jensen



Hi.  My wife and I purchased some of your Granola and Jelly at Smiley’s Flea Market in Macon Georgia on Saturday, May 31st.  We were wondering if you all have a web site that we could order from?  Your products are great!


Hi again.  June 2, 2014, I found your web site and will be ordering from it. We were the couple that had the bottle of jelly fall out of the bottom of the bag with the hole in the bottom of it and watched as it shattered on the concrete.  You were so nice to give us another jar.  My wife has already devoured the granola and I have made several PBJ sandwiches using the jelly.  It is awesome!  Thanks for getting back to me and I hope to see you all again at Smiley’s


Thanks in advance,

Ashley Andrews



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